Join Stacy Esser

CEO & Founder of SEG Real Estate For

The Value-Up Bootcamp

The Ultimate Seller MOFIR & #1 Way to Activate your Database

"What took me over a decade to figure out, I’ve put into a Bootcamp with the entire playbook the method that got me to the top of my MLS. I'm sharing exactly how I execute this method and how I use this unique value proposition to generate seller listings without spending any money on ads!" - Stacy Esser

Here's What's Included:

  • Bootcamp Video: More than two hours of jam-packed content that will walk you through every aspect of The Value-Up Method and show you exactly how to use it as your Superpower and win more listings!

  • Proven Growth Strategy: The Value-Up Method was refined based on Jim Collins’, author of Good to Great, Flywheel approach that has powered some of the world’s greatest brands including Amazon (Jeff Bezos calls it his secret sauce) – leading to our Realtor Growth Flywheel strategy.

  • Assets, Nurtures & Workflow Recommendations: You don’t just get a ton of assets and messaging you get recommendations on how to best use the assets to target the right prospect at the right time with the right offer.

  • Group and CMO-Led Support: Join our Facebook Group to have questions answered, learn how others are applying Value-Up to their day-to-day business, all moderated and CMO-led by AgentMoves.

The ultimate method to drive more seller listings and "Clients For Life"

As featured at KW Mega

Agent Camp Live 2024

"What took me over a decade to figure out, I’ve put into this Bootcamp with the entire playbook and the method that got me to the top of my MLS. I'm sharing exactly how I execute this method and how I use this unique value proposition to generate seller listings without spending any money on ads!" - Stacy Esser

Here's What's Included:

  • Mega Agent Camp Exclusivity: For anyone that signs up before August 18, 2024, you can claim your market and get the Value-Up™ method exclusivity for your area - for complete competitive advantage!!!

  • Lifetime Access to Bootcamp Training: More than two hours of jam-packed content that will walk you through every aspect of The Value-Up™ Method and show you exactly how to use it as your Superpower and win more listings!

  • Assets, Nurtures & Workflow Recommendations: You don’t just get a ton of assets and messaging you get recommendations on how to best use the assets to target the right prospect at the right time with the right offer.

  • Group and CMO-Led Support: Join our Facebook Group to have questions answered, learn how others are applying Value-Up™ to their day-to-day business, all moderated and CMO-led by AgentMoves. PLUS, we are limiting the use of the Value-Up™ Method to one realtor per market!


The Value-Up™ MOFIR campaign is simply, “Whether you list with us or not, your home will be worth more money when I leave, wanna see how?” And it all starts with the 3 core pillars of the Value-Up™ Service Offering.

Prep Slow,

Sell Fast

Spend 80% of your efforts prepping the property before listing and 20% on the market to maximize the sale price—known as the 80/20 Prime.

Launch with

Network Effect

Sell a lifestyle not just a home. Highlight local amenities and help the sellers write a love letter about their home and Community!

Segue into

Next Chapter

Manage every detail through closing with weekly check-ins for 60 days post-close.

The Ultimate Seller MOFIR

The beauty of the Value-Up™ Method is not only do we get results for our client's but we use this unique value proposition to engage our database and attract high quality seller leads in our pipeline using the Realtor Growth Flywheel!

Being the Go-To Realtor by sharing the Value-Up Method

Engaged my Database with meaningful conversations.

Attract High Quality Leads into my Pipeline organically.

Close more seller listings and create amazing result in Clients for life!

Playbook, Training & Assets

As part of our Value-Up™ Bootcamp, we equip you with essential tools and resources to help you implement the Value-Up™ Method effectively and stand out in a competitive market. Here’s what you’ll receive:

Training Videos

Two hours of jam-packed content that will walk you through every aspect of The Value-Up Method to make sure you learn how you use every asset and grow your business just like Stacy has! 

FAQ image

Listing Presentation

1. Customizable Presentation Template • Ready-to-Use Design: Gain access to a professionally designed presentation in a Canva template format that is both visually stunning and easy to edit. This presentation is tailored to showcase the Value-Up™ Method, helping you convey your expertise and strategic approach to potential clients effortlessly. • Time-Saving Edits: With Canva’s user-friendly interface, you can customize the presentation to reflect your personal branding and unique style in just minutes. Add your own insights, success stories, and market data to make the presentation truly your own. • Impress and Engage: Use this powerful tool to deliver compelling presentations that captivate your audience and position you as the go-to expert in your market.

2. Seller Love Letter Template • Personal Touch: Our Seller Love Letter template is crafted to help sellers convey their personal connection to their home and community, adding an emotional element to the selling process. • Emotional Connection: Guide your clients in creating heartfelt letters that highlight what makes their home special and why it’s a great place to live. This personal touch helps potential buyers connect with the property on an emotional level, increasing their interest and motivation.

3. Unique Listing Description Template • Lifestyle Marketing: Incorporate our lifestyle marketing strategies into your property listings with our unique listing description template. This template helps you highlight the features and benefits of the property and the surrounding community, attracting buyers who are looking for more than just a house. • Stand Out: By focusing on lifestyle and community aspects, your listings will stand out in a crowded market, appealing to buyers’ aspirations and desires

Lead Magnets

Get our 19-page Value-Up eBook in a Canva template that you can simply copy and personalize. You’ll also get sample Videos with scripts to create a video sales letter and explainer video on Value-Up. AND a one-pager on Prep Slow, Sell Fast Tips.

Value-Up™ SMS & DM MOFIRs

MOFIRs are critical to attracting more sellers. You’ll not only get proven MOFIRs, but SMS and Social DM messaging recommendations to help drive greater response and conversion.

Value-Up™ Email Nurture

Stay top-of-mind and become the go-to realtor with our omni-channel marketing strategy. Email nurture campaign templates will enhance the SMS and Social DM campaigns.  

Social Post Copy for Your Lead magnet

Further support of omni-channel marketing is including Social Posts using your Lead Magnet as a hook to gain seller engagement and trust. Multiple sample social post ideas will be presented for you to customize and make your own.

Value-Up™ Strategy Session Leave Behind

This is the ultimate workbook that includes value up eBook, plus recommendations for you to customize AND a detailed success plan sample and template for you to share your wisdom and build seller confidence.

Bootcamp FAQs

What method do you use to get to the top of your MLS?

The Value-Up™ Method is a revolutionary approach to real estate that was developed to help sellers maximize their net gains by ensuring their homes are optimally prepared before hitting the market. Traditional practices often rush properties to market, leading to missed opportunities for increased value. The Value-Up™ Method was created to address this specific problem, building a program around strategic preparation and effective marketing.

The core principles of the Value-Up™ Bootcamp:

1. Stop Selling. Start Helping.™: At the heart of the Value-Up™ Method is a commitment to educating clients rather than simply selling to them. By sharing valuable insights and expertise, you help sellers make informed decisions that enhance their property’s value. This approach not only builds trust but also demonstrates genuine care for clients’ success.

2. Organic Engagement: You will barely spend money on paid advertising because you’ll focus on engaging your database in meaningful ways, leveraging organic marketing to build strong relationships and trust. This strategy has proven to be more effective and sustainable than traditional paid campaigns.

3. MOFIR Integration: The Value-Up™ Method is seamlessly connected to your MOFIR (Make an Offer for Immediate Response) strategy. By aligning your approach with the principles of the SHIFT book, I’ve modernized the traditional real estate process into what I call SHIFT 2.0. This ensures that you remain adaptable and responsive to market changes while delivering exceptional results.

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Who created the Bootcamp?

The Bootcamp was created by a top-awarded marketer and a top 1% realtor. We combined the strategies that propelled this realtor to the top with proven marketing techniques used by some of the biggest brands in the world. This unique blend ensures our system is both effective and powerful, tailored to drive your real estate success.

About Selina Eizik | LinkedIn Profile

About Stacy Esser | SEG Real Estate

FAQ image

What are the core pillars in the Value-Up™ Method?

The Value-Up™ Method is a transformative approach designed to empower real estate professionals by enhancing the value of their clients’ homes and maximizing selling potential. This method provides a structured framework that goes beyond traditional real estate practices, equipping agents with the tools and strategies needed to deliver outstanding results.

Core Elements of the Value-Up™ Method:

1. Prep Slow, Sell Fast:

- Thorough Preparation: Focuses on detailed preparation of the property before it hits the market. This includes strategic improvements and staging that highlight the home’s best features, creating an irresistible first impression for potential buyers.

- 80/20 Prime Principle: Allocate 80% of efforts to preparing the home and 20% to marketing, ensuring the property is positioned for a quick and profitable sale.

2. Launch with the Expert Community Effect:

- Community Lifestyle Marketing: Highlight the unique lifestyle and amenities of the community to attract buyers looking for more than just a house. This involves showcasing local attractions, schools, parks, and cultural experiences that make the area desirable.

- Network Impact: Leverage your community connections and deep local knowledge to create buzz and draw in potential buyers through word-of-mouth and referrals.

3. SEGue into the Next Chapter:

- Smooth Transition: Focus on ensuring a seamless transition for sellers as they move from their current home to their next chapter. This involves managing every detail through closing and offering support beyond the sale to build lasting client relationships.

- Clients for Life: By going the extra mile and providing exceptional service, you create lifelong clients who will return to you for future transactions and refer others.

What is the MOFIR for the Value-Up™ Method?

MOFIRs are critical to attracting more sellers. Our MOFIR strategy uses the combination of SMS, Email and Social DMs. Here’s an example MOFIR SMS Message: “Hi Jane, Everyone should love the home they live in. Many of my friends who aren’t selling often ask me for tips on boosting their home value and enjoying the changes while living there. Would you find this useful?”

To help you drive more seller leads, the MOFIR Strategy uses the 3 Ds.

- Divide your database to target those familiar with you and live in your market.

- Drip a 2 step SMS message 4X/yr to ensure consistency without overwhelming.

- Distribute through social media retargeting posts, emails, and direct mail notecards.

Why choose the Value-Up™ Method?

The Value-Up™ Method is more than just a sales strategy; it’s a comprehensive approach that helps real estate agents differentiate themselves in a competitive market. By focusing on enhancing property value, engaging buyers with compelling marketing, and providing unparalleled client service, this method empowers agents to win more listings and achieve greater success. We have created an entire program that leverages this method to help realtors grow their listings business!

1. Enhance Property Value: The Value-Up™ Method ensures that properties are optimally prepared and positioned to attract top offers, maximizing the seller’s net gains. This creates a strategic advantage for the realtor using it.

2. Unparalleled Transparency: The number 1 goal is to openly share your expertise about how to help sellers net more money on their home. By prioritizing education and transparency, agents build trust and long-lasting relationships with clients, setting themselves apart as trusted advisors.

3. Attract More Sellers Without Ads: We provide a proven strategy to bring in more sellers without the need for costly advertising. By leveraging your existing database and employing organic marketing techniques, you can consistently generate high-quality leads and grow your business efficiently.

What is the marketing strategy for the Value-Up™ Method?

The Value-Up™ Method employs a multifaceted marketing strategy designed to maximize property value and attract high-quality leads. Here’s a brief overview of how it works:

1. Organic Engagement: We focus on leveraging your existing database to generate leads without spending money on ads. By utilizing personalized messaging and the MOFIR (Make an Offer for Immediate Response) approach, you can effectively engage past clients and your Sphere of Influence.

2. Educational Content: The foundation of the marketing strategy is to share valuable insights and educate potential clients. By providing resources such as eBooks, video explainers, and strategy sessions, you establish yourself as a trusted expert and build strong relationships with prospects.

4. Conversion-Focused Funnel: Guide prospects through a well-structured funnel that offers valuable resources, nurtures leads, and invites them to schedule a Value-Up™ strategy session. This session provides personalized recommendations for maximizing their home’s value. 5. Networking and Referrals: Leverage your community connections and deep local knowledge to create buzz and draw in potential buyers through word-of-mouth and referrals.

What's AgentMoves?

The bootcamp is powered by AgentMoves. Agentmoves is a prospecting system that helps realtors to automate their prospecting so they can save time and focus more on their clients. It provides a comprehensive solution for realtors through three main pillars.

  • The MOFIR-Driven Database Activation effortlessly engages and reengages your contact list with personalized email and SMS campaigns, ensuring you stay top of mind and maximize conversions.

  • The Go-To Realtor Follow-Up and Nurtures establish your reputation as a trusted expert by sharing market insights, home ownership tips, lifestyle and wellness support, and holiday wishes, with over 50 touch points to maintain consistent client engagement.

  • Finally, Omni-Channel Lead Generation implements a hyper-targeted, integrated marketing approach combining direct mail, digital, and email strategies. This ensures your messages reach your audience consistently, enhancing your brand presence and generating high-quality leads.

These pillars work together to drive engagement, nurture relationships, and generate leads, positioning you as the Go-To Realtor in your market.If you are interested in automating the Value-Up method within your business, learn more at

The Strategy to Get "Clients For Life"

Mega Agent Camp Special for a Limited Time Only!

Exclusivity Offer Ends Soon!

Value-Up™ Assets Included: Comprehensive Training Plus Exclusive Resources

  • Market Exclusivity in Your Area (If you sign up by August 18, 2024)

  • Private Facebook Group for Value-Up™ Agents

  • Training Bootcamp - Over 25 Videos

  • Listing Presentation + Seller Love Letter Sample + Lifestyle Social Posts

  • Recommendation Worksheet to Review with Your Sellers

  • Follow-Up Success Plan Booklet as a Leave Behind

  • 19 Page eBook Template to Make Your Own Lead Magnet

  • One Pager Lead Magnet with Value-Up™ Tips

  • 2 Value-Up™ Video Sales Letter (VSL) Examples

  • Social Post Templates to Share your Value-Up™ Tips

  • Lead Magnet Funnel with all the pages in the funnel+ Copy

  • Strategy Session Funnel with all the pages in the funnel+ Copy

  • SMS MOFIR Campaign to Engage Your Database with Meaningful Conversations

  • DM MOFIR Campaign to Attract Leads into Your Pipeline

  • Email MOFIR Campaign with 12 Months of Emails

In Case You Missed it, Here is the One-Pager from MAC 2024.

Click the Download Icon under the Flipbook for the PDF Version.

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